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4 Things That Could Be Damaging Your Garage Door

Jun 20, 2023

Your garage door is crucial to accessing your garage and protecting your vehicle and belongings. According to DIY Household Tips Guide, only 15% of people who have a garage at home park their cars inside. Having trouble with the garage door opener repair may discourage you from parking inside. In this blog post, we will explore four common things that could damage your garage door, helping you identify and address potential issues before they become costly repairs.

1. Lack of Regular Maintenance

One of the primary causes of
garage door opener repair is neglecting regular maintenance. Failing to lubricate moving parts and inspect loose or damaged hardware can lead to increased friction, strain on the motor, and potential breakdowns. Over time, components such as springs, rollers, and cables can wear out or become misaligned. Schedule routine maintenance checks and promptly address issues to keep your garage door operating smoothly.

2. Improper Installation

A poorly installed garage door can cause a multitude of problems. If the door is aligned incorrectly, it may experience unnecessary strain, leading to premature garage door opener repair. Additionally, incorrect spring tension or inadequate weather sealing can impact the door's performance and energy efficiency.

3. Harsh Weather Conditions

Extreme weather conditions can damage your garage door. Frequent exposure to sunlight, rain, snow, and fluctuating temperatures can cause the door to warp, fade, or develop rust. Use a protective coating or sealant to shield the door from the elements. Additionally, inspect the weather stripping regularly and replace it if it becomes cracked or damaged to maintain proper insulation.

4. Impact or Accidental Damage

Accidents happen, and sometimes, they involve your garage door. A minor fender bender or a stray ball hitting the door can lead to dents, cracks, or misalignment. Even a seemingly insignificant impact can affect the door's structural integrity and compromise its functionality, which may require garage door opener repair. If you notice any signs of damage, addressing them promptly is crucial to prevent further deterioration and potential safety hazards.

Protecting your garage door from unnecessary damage requires attention, regular maintenance, and prompt action. By addressing potential issues related to maintenance, installation, weather conditions, accidental damage, and usage, you can extend the working lifespan of your garage door and ensure its proper functioning. With proper care, your garage door will continue to serve its purpose effectively and provide you with convenience and security for years. Contact us today at Touchstone Overhead Door Services for more information!

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